New wheelchair delivery gives mobility back to the disabled


New beneficiary of wheelchairs donatedAnthony Ricaurte who has been suffering from congenital artrosis and neurofibromatosis for the past 19 years went unoticed as he received his wheelchair. The thrill and joy on his face was evident. He was one of seven persons with motor disability who benefitted thanks to the “Free of Charge Wheelchair Delivery Program” that La Junta de Beneficencia maintains in conjunction with the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints.

“I can move faster along the streets. Now I can go to the University with the chair because I see it is all-terrain”, comments Anthony who wants to study law as a professional career. Johana Orozco, his mother claims to feel more relaxed because her son is now using a chair according to his needs and size.

Julio Rafael Benitez, 54 years old, was another beneficiary who arrived in a wheelchair deteriorated by the passage of time. “The footrest, the armrest and the seat have given way considerably, grazing my thighs which prevented me from going out due to the pain”, he points out.

Previously beneficiaries were evaluated by the Entity's technical personnel to guarantee a wheelchair reception in accordance with their needs. Delivery took place in the logistics and distribution warehouse in the presence of la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil authorities.