Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil works in the areas of health, education and care for the elderly. Our hospitals, schools, nursing homes, homes for girls and cemeteries offer services with great quality and warmth to millions of underprivileged Ecuadorians, who have confidence in our expertise and true vocation for service since 1888.
We offer general medical care at extremely low subsidized costs and even completely free under certain circumstances. We also offer premium medical services in private areas within our hospitals, at competitive costs. To some extent, our self-management helps cover the maintenance and operation costs of the general areas of our hospitals, which provide healthcare to the least fortunate members of society.
Luis Vernaza Hospital Luis Vernaza Hospital
Women's Hospital Alfredo Paulson Women's Hospital Alfredo Paulson
Roberto Gilbert E. Children's Hospital Roberto Gilbert E. Children's Hospital
Instituto de Neurociencias Instituto de Neurociencias
Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil cares for the development and education of thousands of children attending our educational centers. We provide them with high-level academic training based on values and principles, in order to prepare children for a life with solid foundations.
José Domingo de Santistevan School José Domingo de Santistevan School
Santa Luisa de Marillac School Santa Luisa de Marillac School
We have nursing homes care where hundreds of elderly men and women live in a peaceful and tranquil environment and a clean, organized place.
We care for their needs based on a rightful, equitable manner, while promoting the active participation of men and women in our activities. In doing so, we value the elderly as an important, special human being, while stressing respect for human dignity.
Del Corazón de Jesús Nursing Home Care Del Corazón de Jesús Nursing Home Care
San Pedro de Alausí Nursing Home San Pedro de Alausí Nursing Home
Calderon Ayluardo youth Home Calderon Ayluardo youth Home
Manuel Galecio youth Home Manuel Galecio youth Home
As part of our extensive charity work for the needy, Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil provides cremation services at no cost to the destitute. Some of these people die in nonprofit institutions like Fundación Casa del Hombre Doliente, Fundación Clemencia, hospitals and morgues, as well as in our hospitals and other social service institutions.
Lotería Nacional was created by Law in August 1894, as our main source of income to fund our great charity work. Over the years, Lotería Nacional has established itself as an Ecuadorian tradition etched in the memory of our people and their collective awareness that when buying a “guachito”, or a lottery ticket, they are not only betting on luck, but are also helping support Junta de Beneficencia's social work.
Much like our organization's, Lotería's history is better told through the testimonies of hundreds of thousands of lucky winners who have received money and prizes promptly. It should be noted that the income generated by the sale of Lotería Nacional, is invested in its entirety in medical and social care for thousands of Ecuadorians.
Today, people from all over the country participate in our lottery games, and the sale of Lotería Nacional provides a source of income to 3.200 Ecuadorian families.