The donation agreement was drawn up between Eng. Ernesto Noboa, Junta de
Beneficencia de Guayaquil Director and representatives from ZHM Insurance
Companies and Ecuadorian-Swiss Insurance Company with a purpose to further
Cultural activity in the Alausí community of the Chimborazo Province where la
Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil has the Manuel Galecio Home which houses
80 young girls between 5 and 187 years of age, of scant economic means, coming
from different parts of the country, mainly the southern part and the Amazon
jungle area.
The Agreement is earmarked in the business social responsibility program of insurance companies and will allow remodeling of the spacious Manuel Galecio Home theater with a purpose it might serve as a technical and cultural formation element not just for the young girls from the home but for the entire childhood and Alausi community youth.
It is foreseen as well to coming closer to organizations and cultural institutions in the country so that they may take their activity to this community of approximately 65 thousand inhabitants.
The theatre re-inauguration and aperture to the community is foreseen for April of 2020.