People with reduced mobility in the rural sector benefit from the help of the Guayaquil Charity Board

People with reduced mobility in the rural sector benefit from the help of the Guayaquil Charity Board

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As part of the permanent program to donate technical aids being carried by JBG, a donation of technical aids to people with special abilities who reside in the rural parish of San Juan de Juana de Oro, province of Los Rivers, was given.

Ángel Mendoza, president of the San Juan Parish GAD, thanked the donation of 25 wheelchairs, medicine and medical supplies. “This aid will be distributed in the sectors of Bola de Oro, Juana de Oro, María 1, María 2, Victoria del Norte, La Pitaya, La América, among others; there are many beneficiaries and that is a reason to thank JBG he said. The permanent program of donations of technical aids carried out by JBG with the support of international aid workers, such Free Wheelchair Mission and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, bettered the quality of life in 1373 people across the country.

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Lcda. Beatriz Ocejo Jefe (e) de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 393 |

Luis Tomalá , Lcdo. Coordinador de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 379 |


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