Wheelchairs, walkers and canes are delivered to people with disabilities in the Palenque Canton

Wheelchairs, walkers and canes are delivered to people with disabilities in the Palenque Canton

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In a strategic alliance with the International Free Wheelchair Mission organization, Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil donated 15 wheelchairs, 5 walkers, 15 canes and various medical cleaning supplies to people with disabilities and elderly who belong to various sectors of the Palenque Community in Los Ríos province.

The beneficiaries belong to the Mutual Association for the Support of Disabled Amor "D"; its representative, Ms. Patricia Delgado, thanked JBG for the support given for more than 10 years.

Eduardo Romero, member of the Board of Directors of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, highlighted the collaboration that benefits those who have a scares income. "It has already been 132 years of service with international donations, and we have served many cities in different parts of the country. We will continue to collect these experiences of service” he emphasized.

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Información de Contacto(s)

Lcda. Beatriz Ocejo Jefe (e) de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 393 | bocejo@jbgye.org.ec

Luis Tomalá , Lcdo. Coordinador de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 379 | ltomala@jbgye.org.ec


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