Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

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Our Board of Directors is conformed by 39 members and 3 ex officio members. They give their time and their experience as prestigious entrepreneurs to take care of the management and well-being of our great charitable organization. Remarkably, none of them receives any type of economic remuneration for their work. They do it as a pro-bono work.

These 39 members are elected by vote, while the 3 ex officio members are appointed by the public entities of Guayaquil being the Municipality of Guayaquil, the Prosecutor's Office of Guayas and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Guayaquil. They supervise the management of our various dependencies.

Unlike a traditional Board of Directors, our members supervise matters on daily basis, thus ensuring the achievement of high levels of operations in all dependencies, services and administrative areas, so to have our charitable work permanently active.

Each member acts in a spirit of body, responsibly and selflessly, exercising good judgment and is committed to work with integrity which is the essential characteristic of all our affairs.

Faithfully to the legacy of our founders, the members of our Board of Directors, know how to maintain the trust of the public by carrying out an efficient administration in all the dependencies that is charitable organization runs.


Ing. Juan Xavier Cordovez Ortega

First Vice - Director

Ing. Iván Xavier Baquerizo Alvarado

Second Vice - Director

Ing. José Enrique Ribas Doménech


  • Ing Altgelt Kruger José Mario
  • Ing. Amador Ponton Leopoldo
  • Ing. Andrade González Carlos Alberto
  • Ing Ante Orrantia Diego Joaquin
  • Ing Aspiazu Estrada Andres
  • Ing. Alvear Amaya Marcelo Patricio
  • Ing Baquerizo Alvarado Ivan Xavier
  • Dr Barredo Batalla Hernan Ramon
  • Ing Cordovez Ortega Juan Xavier
  • Dr García Feraud Galo
  • Ing. García Fuentes Carlos
  • Edu. Gilbert Baquerizo Marcia
  • Ing. Gómez Carrión Luis Fernando
  • Dr Gomez Rosales José Fernando
  • Dr Gomez-Lince Ordeñana Roberto
  • Sr Guzman Bazquerizo Julio
  • Ing. Illingworth Guerrero Oscar
  • Ing. Laniado Romero Rodrigo Emilio
  • Ing Marcet Ghiglione Juan
  • Lic Marcos Stagg Xavier
  • Ing Martinez Illingworth Juan
  • Ing Noboa Bejarano Ernesto
  • Sra Noboa Pontón Isabel
  • Ing Orrantia Vernaza Oscar
  • Ing Perez Quinteros Miguel
  • Dr Ponce Henriquez Alejandro
  • Ing Ribas Domenech José Enrique
  • Ing Roca Arteta Jorge
  • Ing Romero Carbo Eduardo
  • Ing Rosales Valenzuela Benjamin
  • Ing Salazar Arrarte José Luis
  • Ing Tola Miranda Jorge
  • Ab Torres Bejarano Marcelo Xavier
  • Ing Trujillo Bustamante Luis
  • Dr Vernaza Alvear Luis Jacinto
  • Ing Vinueza Urgellés Arturo Julio
  • Ing. Wong Naranjo Rafael Segundo.


Born Members

  • Jorge Carvajal Andrade (Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Guayaquil)
  • Yanina Villagómez (Fiscal Minister of Guayas)
  • Úrsula Strenge Chávez (Councillor Commissioner for Charities)
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“Others cannot see what I see”
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