The Metropolitan Pantheon, a new lung for Guayaquil

The Metropolitan Pantheon, a new lung for Guayaquil

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Students and Metropolitan Pantheon joined for reforestationDue to its extensive tree area and natural environment la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Metropolitan Pantheon is a small lung to refresh the area around the road to the coast from Guayaquil.

In addition to this, there is an initiative called “Sowing in Cerro Azul•” which is a reforestation effort between la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, the students attending la Escuela Superior Politècnica in the Coast – Espol, the Hamburg Sud Ecuador Shipping Company and the Environmental Consultant Globys S.A., to contribute to the preservation of the environment by sowing 650 trees.

To this end the Metropolitan Pantheon destined a 5 thousand square meter area in which 40 volunteer students were able to sow native trees from the area donated by the Hamburg Sud Shipping Company.
They were sown last February the 18th in a morning filled with camaraderie and friends sharing in the same objective, that is, to be responsible with nature and the environment.



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