Junta de Beneficencia signed agreement with ARCSA

Junta de Beneficencia signed agreement with ARCSA

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ARCSA is the technical control and sanitary surveillance organization for a wide range of products, implements and medical supplies related to the use and human consumption to ensure the proper handling and health of ecuadorians. Since la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil is an institution which administers 4 hospitals and one of the main ones in health attention which handles a sizable medicinal purchase and import volume. ARCSA executive director Enc. Juan Galarza and Junta de Beneficencia Director Eng. Ernesto Noboa signed an agreement in order to articulate, coordinate, train and perform interinstitutional work by way of knowledge and tools interchange, laboratory access and that disciplinary bond necessary to further initiatives oriented to strengthen management of both institutions, besides fomenting a net of pharmaceutical vigilance and technovigilance to contribute to protect the population´s health. The agreement was signed yesterday on the 25th of september in the la Junta de Beneficencia Meeting Room in the presence of other delegates from both institutions.

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Información de Contacto(s)

Lcda. Beatriz Ocejo Jefe (e) de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 393 | bocejo@jbgye.org.ec

Luis Tomalá , Lcdo. Coordinador de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 379 | ltomala@jbgye.org.ec


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