President Moreno instructs María Alejandra Muñoz, Vice President of the Republic, to resolve with the Guayaquil Charity Board the debts of the Ministry of Health and the IESS

President Moreno instructs María Alejandra Muñoz, Vice President of the Republic, to resolve with the Guayaquil Charity Board the debts of the Ministry of Health and the IESS

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foto reunión Director y Presidente Moreno
The critical situation that JBG is facing, was revealed few days ago by its Director, Juan Xavier Cordovez through the media. It was the reason for a meeting with the President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno which took place in Guayaquil.

During it, the President listened the explanations given by JBG’s members of the Board, who in detail talked about the critical situation that produces more than 100 million dollars of unpaid Governmental and Social Security Accounts to JBG. During the last decade JBG had patients referred by the Ministry of Health and from Ecuadorian Social Security – IESS- , that have not been paid. The consequences were gradual suspension of JBG’s services in its network of hospitals, schools, hospices, cemeteries and other services that serve Ecuadorians of all origins.

Moreno expressed solidarity with the Directors and recognized the work that JBG does. He also compromised his management, for which work sessions will be held to make the payment of the amounts owed. For this purpose, the President decided to grant a delegation of the highest level to Dr. María Alejandra Muñoz, Vice- President of Ecuador.

It should be remembered that the economic situation directly affects all the services provided by JBG in health, education, comprehensive care for girls, young people and the elderly; as well as funeral services where charity is also made with people who do not have the means to receive a dignified burial.

The meeting was attended by Director Juan Xavier Cordovez. Iván Baquerizo, vice-Director ; and Dr. Miguel Macías Member of the Legal Commission of the Board of Directors of JBG.

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