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The initiative arose during the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 that severely affected Guayaquil, a city that due to the harshness of the situation was declared the epicenter of the Covid - 19 in Ecuador.

The demand for patient care in our hospitals, mainly in the Luis Vernaza Hospital where a total of 2,574 patients with coronavirus symptoms were treated from March 13 to May 18, made that Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil  require more financial resources to have more equipment, medicines, respirators, biosafety equipment to face this pandemic. Financial resources are lacking due to the debt that the Ecuadorian Social  Security Institution- IESS - and the Ministry of Public Health  have with  Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil for the health services provided for many years to patients referred to its hospitals.

It is there where solidarity and important support arises under the inspiration and composition of the singer Héctor Napolitano, better known as Old Napo. Ecuadorian musician and guitarist with extensive musical production in different genres, who assigned the copyright of the song and brought together 18 musicians of recognized artistic career such as Pedro Chinga, Darío Castro, Alex Alvear, Naiza, Joel and Leonel Alleguez, Jasu Montero, Gustavo Enrique, Angela Orellana, Okan Yore, Carlos Prado, Luis Ponguillo, Angelo Alvarado, Luis and Andrés Poalacín, Lucas Napolitano and Johse Valverde, who gave voice, rhythm and music to the song “Guajira a Guayaquil”, whose official video will be released on Monday June 15 through the social networks of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil : Facebook / Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil; Twitter @jbgorg; Instagram jbgorg.


The video features the introductory voice of Lenin Artieda, a well-known journalist and carries the intrinsic message of how brave people from Guayaquil are, their origins, landscapes and customs; but also how supportive it is, which is why he calls on all Ecuadorians, small and large businessmen to join this cause to help so that Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil  can continue helping those who need it most through their hospitals: Luis Vernaza, children's hospital Roberto Gilbert, Alfredo G. Paulson and the Institute of Neurosciences; their Manuel Galecio girls' homes located in Alausí and Calderón Ayluardo in the city of Guayaquil, which between them houses 200 girls who are given comprehensive care free of charge, the Hogar Corazón de Jesús for the elderly and cemeteries.

It should be noted that in the 132 years that Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil it is the first time in its history that a video has been made to raise funds, but the health emergency that has not ended yet and the critical institutional economic situation warrants it.

Those who wish to donate can do so through current accounts: Banco Bolivariano # 5229718, Banco Guayaquil # 4597883, Banco del Pacífico # 8029857 in the name of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.

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