
Luis Vernaza Hospital received a donation of a mechanical ventilator for the intensive care unit

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Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Charity Board reaches 133 years meeting challenges of a health emergency

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mailing 133 años

Once again, Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil’s actions in health have been fundamental to those who during this pandemic look for care in its hospitals which had to adapt, prepare and implement protocols for the safety of patients as well as for their staff so to avoid contagion. In Alfredo Paulson Hospital, 998 babies were born during the critical months from March to May 2020 during the health emergency. These births were a challenge for doctors and staff because from March to December 82 patients with Covid- 19 were treated and 52 were pregnant. In 2020, 5.910 babies were born. Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil’s director, Juan Xavier Cordovez, has been in charge of the organization since June 2020, and has been working hard in strengthening the social work for the most in need. An example of his efforts is the support of approximately 200 girls who receive education, shelter, food, and clothing in the Calderón Ayluardo Home in Guayaquil; and, the Manuel Galecio Home in Alausí, where 49% of the scholarship recipients are from the Amazon Region, 35% from the Highlands of The Andes and 20 % from the provinces of Guayas, Los Ríos and Esmeraldas. Another example of the social work being done, is attention the residents of the Institute of Neurosciences receive. Most of them having been abandoned so have been in our institution for many years. Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, has been working since 1888, therefore for 133 years. Always helping, always looking for modernization and in a permanent search for resources so much so to allow the organization to continue helping those who need health, education, as well as protection to children and elderly. Lottery and real estate rental are important sources that help to finance Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil’s social work.


Junta de Beneficencia donates qualitative tests to communities of the Alausí canton

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Como aporte a la prevención y detección de casos Covid 19, la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, donó un total de 500 pruebas cualitativas para beneficiar gratuitamente a igual número de personas de las diferentes comunidades de Alausí, cantón donde la institución brinda asistencia social y de formación a niñas de escasos recursos económicos a través del Hogar Manuel Galecio.



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Within a strict security control, the phase zero vaccination scheme began today by the Ministry of Public Health, which included the first line of care personnel from the Luis Vernaza Hospital and the elderly from the Hogar del Corazón de Jesús of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.

114 vaccines arrived at the hospital from the Pfizer laboratory and the first physicians to receive them were Dr. Luis González, Chief of Intensive Care, Dr. Gonzalo Sánchez, coordinator of Intensive Care and Dr. Milton Chang, head of infectology.

González stated that it is a privilege to receive the vaccine because this will contribute in some way to begin with the immunity of the population that allows us to overcome this situation ”and made a call to continue taking care and using the mask”.

While, at the Hogar del Corazón de Jesús, 42 vaccines were received that were applied to the elderly. Magdalena Ávila, 80, and Carlos Heinert, 89, were among the first residents of the home to be vaccinated. “I am grateful to the directors of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil because they considered us among the first to receive the vaccine. I feel that I have received the opportunity for a new life and to continue enjoying my grandchildren and my children ”, said Magdalena after having been vaccinated.

After vaccination, the beneficiaries went to a rest area where they were monitored by MSP personnel to see reaction.

The application of the second dose is scheduled for after 21 days and the arrival of another batch of vaccines for both the hospital and the home is expected, based on the amount agreed with the MSP, which will allow the immunization of the largest number of personnel of both entities.

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