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The Consul General of the United States in Guayaquil, Mr. Brian Quigley Jr. met Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil’s members of the Board and main officials.


Ladies from the Ladies Charity Society visited the Director of the JBG

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This week, the director of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, Juan Xavier Cordovez, received the visit of the members of the Benemérita Sociedad de Beneficencia de Señoras. The visit aimed to strengthen the bonds of solidarity and cooperation between the two centuries-old institutions, which seek the benefit of those most in need.

The Benemérita Sociedad de Beneficencia de Señoras is a non-profit institution funded in 1878, with the mission of managing the necessary actions in order to provide to girls, boys and adolescents a quality education through its different educational units.


Hospital of the Province of Orellana, received a donation from the Guayaquil Charity Board

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The patients who are treated at the Franklin Tello Binational Hospital, administered by the Apostolic Vicariate of the Aguarico, Orellana Province, are the new beneficiaries of the donations of technical aids and medical supplies, carried out by Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.

The aid consisted of 19 wheelchairs, 13 walkers, 6 crutches, 8 canes, 5 nebulizers, 1 hospital bed, 1 gynecological examination table, 1 chair for blood collection, 2 high-pressure automatic steam sterilizers, medicine and medical supplies.

The Franklin Tello Binational Hospital is the reference health home for the Ecuadorian and Peruvian populations that are located on the banks of the Napo River near the border with Peru.

Héctor Ullauri, Head of Logistics and Distribution of the JBG, highlighted that this donation is possible thanks to the cooperation of local and international organizations such as Direct Relief International, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Free Wheelchair Mission, and Fybeca.


Thank you Dr. Maricel Manfreddi for your dedication to benefit the JBG nurses.

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During 13 years, Ms. Maricel Manfredi worked with loyalty and affection at the Roberto Gilbert Elizalde and Alfredo Paulson hospitals, benefiting the nursing staff and nursing assistants with empowerment plans, personal and professional development, scholarships and seminars.

For this reason, Ing. Oscar Orrantia, on behalf of the Director of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, thanked her for such dedicated and outstanding work. “For us you represent the before and after, the self-esteem of our technical nurses, for their self-esteem rose a lot; the work environment changed. You did wonders! And when someone does that, the least is to show recognition, and more than that, our love " said Orrantia.

Ms. Maricel Manfredi, was a regional nursing advisor from PAHO. She recognized the need to give a strong boost to nursing research, promoting the development of the scientific production of nurses.

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