
New Mobility implements beneficiaries

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La Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil delivered 26 implements of mobility free-of-charge to improve the quality of life for people with special characteristics, adults, elderly adults and children with different types of pathologies among them diabetes, Alzheimer, blindness, vascular – cerebral accident, hemiplegia, amputations, cerebral paralysis, arthritis and other motor capacity limitations.

One of the beneficiaries was Nelson Barzola who removed his wheelchair in the company of his wife. His mobility was affected 19 years ago when a stray bullet struck his fourth cervical vertebrae and 7 months ago he started looking for some institution that would donate the implement he needed.

“A friend commented that la Junta de Beneficencia could help and I requested that help which arrived today. It is a good deed for people with disabilities and without the economic means to buy a wheelchair”. he commented.

Jose Quispe, another beneficiary, lost the mobility in his legs 9 years ago due to a tumor in his spinal column as a result of a traffic accident. “I have limited means and had no way of renovating the wheelchair which was already old.

This one I am receiving is very different from the one I had, it shapes my spinal column, my legs and keeps me in good shape so as to glassily move around”, he manifested.

This, in donations warehouse boss Hector Ullauri´s opinion, is due to the fact that every mobility implement is delivered previous an evaluation of the beneficiary. “The corresponding measurements are taken so that the implements are in accordance with the user´s physical characteristics, Ullauri points out.

Delivery was performed in the donations warehouse installations with the collaboration of International Organizations: The Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, Free Wheelchair Mission and Mobility World Wide.


La Junta de Beneficencia participated in the CTE Safety and Occupational Health Working Day

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Within the framework of the Safety and Occupational Health Day (SSO) the Ecuadorian Transit Authority Organized an open house session in which authorities, employees, invited guests and collaborators as well as different invited public and private institutions interchanged criteria regarding a culture of prevention among the population as well as the social, mental and physical welfare of the workers.

In this event la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil included a stand to communicate the Institution´s social work for the community, services offered by the different departments and technical help which has been extended on a national level thanks to agreements with international organizations.


130 persons from Loja received wheelchairs

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They arrived at the Simon Bolivar fairgrounds from different rural areas of the Loja Province to receive a mobility implement. They were children, adults and elderly adults with a variety of health problems, anxiously writing for a free-of-charge wheelchair delivery that la Junta de Beneficencia put together in coordination with the Free Wheelchair Mission Organization.

They were thrilled. Some arrived in the company of their family members, others arrived with friends or neighbors. One of them is Alberto Benigno Pinta who came from Nambocola, a rural Parrish from Gonzanamá, a Lojan Canton, to receive his wheelchair for a traffic accident he endured 8 years ago which severed his left arm and destroyed his right knee.

“I thank you all of you who make these deliveries possible for the rest of my days” Pinta pointed out.

Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza, bishop from Loja, pointed out that this is the first wheelchair delivery from a total of 250 to be delivered. “Solidary is opening your hand” to extend your hand to someone else. This is what is what la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil does opening a solidary hand through many hands which open so as to share what you all need, he pointed out.

This year the free wheelchair delivery program which is maintained by la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil in coordination with international entities has improved the mobility of some 486 persons throughout the country.


23 persons received mobility implements

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Elvia Troya arrived early from the Mocache Canton in the Los Rios Province to Guayaquil, however this time she did not do so to attend an appointment with Norelys Ortiz´s traumatologist attending her small nine-year old daughter who suffered from a lack of oxygen at birth. On this occasion they arrived to receive the wheelchair she needed to attend her therapies.

Norelys was part of the 23 beneficiaries who received mobility implements from a Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil delivery performed this morning in coordinartion with the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, Free Wheelchair Mission and Mobility Worlwide.

“My daugther can´t walk, however she is in school and is undergoing treatment here in Guayaquil while I carry her around. That is why when I found out La Junta could help me out with a wheelchair I requested the form, filled it out and delivered it”, commented Elvia.

The donation is part of a mobility implements, free-of-charge donation program maintained by La Juntra de Beneficencia de Guayaquil for persons of scarce economic means in need of a mobility implement to improve their quality of life.

Beneficiaries were adults, elderly adults and children from the Mocache, Tarifa, Balzar, Naranjal, Durán, Milagro, Daule and Guayaquil Cantons who suffer from limited mobility due to illnesses such as diabetes, alzheimer, blindness, cerebral – vascular accident, hemiplejia, amputations, cerebral paralysis, paraplegic condition, arthritis, among others.

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