
Disabled persons from the southern region received mobility implements

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Combined efforts between the Riobamba Diocese, la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil and the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints allowed a total of 73 disabled persons, among them children, adults and elderly persons, living in the Alausí Canton of the Chimborazo Province, to receive an equal number of mobility implements.

One of the beneficiaries was Elisa Castillo who arrived from the northern part of the Canton with an improvised wooden cane. The eighty year-old received an aluminum walking cane and showed herself grateful for it was the first time she received help for greater autonomy and safety from an implement according to her needs.

On the other hand, Jose Chaguay received a wheelchair. A traffic accident 9 years ago caused a loss of mobility in his legs. “Long ago la Junta gave me a wheelchair and now I´ve come to renovate it”, he expressed excitedly.

Monsignor Julio Parrilla, Bishop of Riobamba explained that this is not the first time that disabled people in this part of the country receive help from la Junta de Beneficencia. “This Guayaquil Institution has collaborated with our parochial and Diocese charities, on other occasions. It is a marvelous collaboration to reach far away, needy places”, he pointed out.

The donation consisted of 31 chairs, six walkers, 33 canes, and three pair of crutches, all at the San Pedro de Alausí Matrix Church.

In 2008 the aid program of la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil continued to improve the quality of life of 1526 persons by delivering mobility implements. This work is done in coordination with international organizations such as free wheelchair Mission and the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints which benefits handicapped people everywhere in the country.


National Police Members received wheelchairs

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jbg policia nacional recibio silla ruedas

Most of the 23 wheelchairs, 2 walkers, one pair of crutches and one pair of walking canes delivered free of charge were for policemen in passive duty who served the country for over 25 years.
One of them was seventy-year old first sergeant Mario Buenaño from the Milagro canton. He mentioned belonging to the institution for 25 years while feeling grateful because he needed a wheelchair due to kidney failure, diabetes and other illnesses which make his legs unable to bear his weight. “With this chair my family will feel relief when moving me to the dialysis center I attend three times a week” he commented.

Like his, various stories came together in a moving performance by main authorities such as commander Tanya Varella who singled out her gratefulness to la Junta de Beneficencia for this donation to those who have extended their services to society. “At present we will continue the work so that you can improve your quality of life” she pointed out referring to the beneficiaries.

Sgt. Ronald Garcia, a member of the Unit of attention to disabled policemen spoke on behalf of beneficiaries. His emotive words of gratefulness ended with the phrase “For many this help will only be a wheelchair or a walking cane but for those of us stricken with disability it represents our limbs, our independance and the opportunity of a better quality of life”.

Eng. Eduardo Romero, Donations Inspector for la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil recalled that the institution upkeeps a permanent mobility implements donation program for disabled persons at a national level in agreement with the Jesus Christ Church of latter Day Saints which in the present year, come to a total of 1022 wheelchairs, 96 walkers, 149 walking canes, 79 mechanically driven pet cars, and 174 crutches which have helped to mobilize persons.


ACCORVOL delivered recognition to la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil

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During the solemn session for the forty-fifth anniversary celebration, the Guayas Volunteer Coordinating Association Accorvol delivered recognition to different public and private institutions, companies, foundations and persons who have contributed solidarity to their work in these 45 years of institutional lifer.

Recognition to la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil was due to permanent and constant support as well as the trust extended by the Institution during these 45 years to unfold their volunteer service at the level of the Guayas Province.

German Lince, Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Secretary, received the plaque from Accorvol President Mgs. Rina Lituma de Garcés amidst applause from those in assistance


Junta de Beneficencia llegó con ayuda técnica a Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

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Un total de 92 personas con problemas de movilidad entre niños, adultos y adultos mayores residentes de diferentes sectores periféricos de la Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, recibieron igual número de implementos de movilidad de manera gratuita de parte de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, en coordinación con Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días y Mobility Worldwide.

La donación de 53 sillas de ruedas, 1 muleta, 10 anadadores, 22 bastones y 6 coches de propulsión mecánica, fue canalizada por Mons. Bertram Wick, Obispo de la Diócesis de Santo Domingo, quien coordinó la donación para los beneficiarios, todos de muy escasos recursos económicos que se reunieron en el Centro de Rehabilitación Fe y Luz para recibir el implemento solicitado, de acuerdo a sus discapacidades.

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