
Junta de Beneficencia llegó con ayuda técnica a Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

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Un total de 92 personas con problemas de movilidad entre niños, adultos y adultos mayores residentes de diferentes sectores periféricos de la Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, recibieron igual número de implementos de movilidad de manera gratuita de parte de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, en coordinación con Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días y Mobility Worldwide.

La donación de 53 sillas de ruedas, 1 muleta, 10 anadadores, 22 bastones y 6 coches de propulsión mecánica, fue canalizada por Mons. Bertram Wick, Obispo de la Diócesis de Santo Domingo, quien coordinó la donación para los beneficiarios, todos de muy escasos recursos económicos que se reunieron en el Centro de Rehabilitación Fe y Luz para recibir el implemento solicitado, de acuerdo a sus discapacidades.


Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saint and Junta de Beneficiencia strengthen alliance to deliver social aid

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The meeting Between representatives of the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints and those of la Junta de Beneficiencia de Guayaquil ended with a donation of 10 wheelchairs to persons of scarce resources.

The meeting was propitious to express gratitude of beneficiaries of this strategic alliance, the aid of the international entity channeled through the Guayaquil institution reaching out on a national level fundamentally with a wheelchair donation.

Eng. Juan Martinez recalled the case of a young barcelona fan who lost his leg in an accident and who recently received a wheelchair donation thanks to the disinterested and efficient collaboration between the church and La Junta for many years to extend health and welfare to those most in need.

Ophthalmology equipment at the Luis Vernaza Hospital and training at the Alejandro Mann Hospital Complex constitute part of the support the Junta de Beneficiencia has received from the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day saints which directly benefits patients.

David Frischknechten representing the church held that they function under the mandate of love for your fellow-man which is manifested through chair donations and the work performed by La Junta personnel to channel delivery, making sure the help reaches those who really need it and free-of-charge. “we do this work together with love and a lot of perseverance”, he commented.

After the event we strolled around the Hospital Complex´s different areas which amazed representatives with their complexity, its personnel, capacity and Hospital infrastructure where Ecuadorians´ health is attended.


Thirty persons received wheelchairs free of charge

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Olga arrived in Guayaquil from the Las Cucharas sector of the Pedro Carbo canton to receive her wheelchair. She did so in the company of her son due to the arthritis and arthrosis she has been suffering from for the last 23 years and which has gradually deformed her knees and ankles limiting her mobility.

She was part of those thirty persons who received wheelchairs as part of the permanent program for free wheelchair delivery carried out by la Junta de Beneficiencia de Guayaquil in coordination with the Jesus Crist Church of Latter Day Saints.

Cesar Castro was another beneficiary left paraplegic by a bullet 23 years ago and since then has been using a very deteriorated wheelchair due to its usage. “This alliance is of great benefit because we are people of scarce means who cannot afford this implement of great help to us”, he said.

This year the free wheelchair delivery program from la Junta de Beneficiencia de Guayaquil has benefitted a total of 795 disabled persons from areas in the city and the country.


Interinstitutional agreement allows blood donation

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For Gabriela Samaniego, CNEL collaborator it was the first time she donated blood even though a little nervous, after 10 minutes of extraction time she said she was pleased to be able to donate and contribute to someone´s benefit or save someone´s life if necessary.

The donation program is part of the Agreement between CNEL and la Junta de Beneficiencia de Guayaquil, through its blood bank with a two year validity and which also benefits its collaborators directly since, in need, they have it at their disposal.

“We have collaborators exposed to scalding burns due to electrical shocks of medium and high tension whereby we have drawn up this Agreement with la Junta de Beneficiencia because it is the Institution which has always opened their doors when we have taken our fellow workers to the hospital Luis Vernaza burnt unit”, commented Dr. Marjorie Ramirez, occupational doctor at the CNEL central office where yesterday the blood Bank Medical Brigade collected 50 blood samples.

The program has a schedule drawn up until December which includes blood donation with Guayaquil and Santa Elena Business Units Collaborators where a total of 500 blood units are to be collected.

Roman Ochoa, head of La Junta de Beneficiencia Blood Bank held that previous to the donation there was a talk regarding truths and myths about blood donation to occupational doctors who, by way of an internal campaign motivated their personnel to become volunteer donors of this liquid which can, with one pint, save the lives of up to 3 adults or seven children because it is fractioned according to the size and weight of the patient.

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