
La Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil delivered mobility implements in Ambato

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Gioconda Arcos came from the Amazonas neighborhood next to her mother to retrieve the wheelchair she requested. Arcos pointed out that even though her mother was the beneficiary, the wheelchair improves the entire family environment. “My mother has a fractured spinal column and we moved her everywhere on a small stool and now we can move her with greater ease”, she said.

She was part of those 218 persons in Ambato, among them elderly adults, children and disabled persons who received various mobility implements as part of the continuous help extended by la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil in coordination with international organizations. The donation consisted of semipostural wheelchairs, 23 mechanical propulsion cars, 30 walkers, 52 canes and 22 pairs of crutches. Delivery of this donation was negotiated by the Ambati Diocese, represented by Monsignor Jorge Giovanny Pazmiño who blessed all implements at the event and thanked la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil and all institutions who make this work possible. “We ask la Junta to continue making these moments of joy possible with so many of our brothers who have come from all over the province, specially from all cantons and rural parrishes”, he said. So far in 2018 la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil has benefitted a total of 1160 disabled persons from different sectors in the city and the country by delivering mobility implements to them.


Successful Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Open House presentation.

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BMI is the enterprise with the greatest growth in prepaid medicine and insurance in Ecuador which organized the BMI Open House this past September 6 at the Hilton Colon Hotel with a purpose that its Allies could share their offers with clients and suppliers in one place.

At the event la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil was congratulated by organizers and the public at large where information was given out regarding the different private services offered at its 4 hospitals, focused primarily on clinical, Pathological and Molecular Biology Laboratories, Image Centers, Private Clinics and the Unit for Addictive Behavior as well as technology, capacity and quality of attention, safety, experience and specialized personnel with whom the institution counts to guarantee efficiency in user attention.

During the BMI Open House, it was comforting to hear mainly from those in assistance (insurance brokers) “You are preferred by our clients” in reference to house persons who trust and prefer the health attention at our hospitals.

This was an opportunity for hospitals to inform the community through each of their representatives, regarding the different services offered in healthcare. The “Alfredo G. Paulson” Woman´s Hospital was one of those which caught the most attention among assistants.


Junta de Beneficencia delivered supplies to improve mobility of disabled persons

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Donacion en Santa Rosa
La Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil (JBG) in coordination with the Jesus Christ Church of latter day Saints delivered 39 mobility implements to persons with special capabilities between children, adults and elderly people residents of the Santa Rosa Canton in the El Oro Province.


Nuerosciences Institute receives professionals from William James Collage in Boston

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convenioJBG College
William James College is a higher Education Institution specialized in Neurosciences and the handling of patients with mental pathologies. Up to the moment fourteen students have benefitted from the Agreement between la Junta de Beneficencia and the William James Collage from Boston which allows psychology Postgrad Medical students to perform assistantships for a month at the Neurosciences Institute (Inc.) with a purpose to interchange knowledge and become acquainted with the Mental Health Plan applied to patients standing out fundamentally the humane treatment received from the Inc. Professionals.

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